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Welcome to Consent!

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SKU: 4025
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You’re ready for this book if you’re curious about how consent works, you don’t know how to actually TALK about consent, or you just find it confusing!

Packed with reassuring advice on how to say no, when to say yes, and everything in between, WELCOME TO CONSENT familiarizes readers with the concept of consent: from how it works in everyday life and in relationships, to what the laws are surrounding it, to understanding how to respect people’s boundaries as well as setting your own.

Featuring case studies, first-person accounts and myth-busting facts, this is a must-have for teens! An inclusive, frank and funny illustrated guide to navigating consent for tweens and teens of all genders, from the award-winning authors of "WELCOME TO YOUR PERIOD"!

Author Yumi Stynes, Dr. Melissa Kang
Publisher Crocus Publishing
Illustrator Jenny Latham
Translator Kateryna Mikhailitsyna
Age 12+
Publication year 2021
Original book title WELCOME TO CONSENT!
Original language English
Language Ukrainian
Illustrations Colored
Type of cover Integral
Type of paper Woodfree (offset) paper
Dimensions (mm) 140 х 180
Weight (g) 320
ISBN 978-617-7989-12-6
Вітаємо, Ольго! Щиро дякуємо за відгук! Тішимося, що книжка сподобалася!
Чудова книга, як для підлітків, так і для батьків. Як часто буває, думаєш — от би я сама таку прочитала в свої 15, ех. Але, радію, що зараз підлітки зможуть розібратись з багатьма складними і важливими речами за допомогою таких книжок. Подяка видавництву!
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